Monday, March 16, 2009

Is your application ready for deployment?

So, you’ve coded like a banshee for 7 weeks straight, listened to your manager badger you about “sprint” this, “agile” that, “can you tell me when its really going to be ready to install at the customer’s site?

Well, before you go there, you should run through a pre-deployment checklist. Here’s one that I’ve come up with after going through the motions on a number of occasions.

Build and CI

If you’re not using NAnt or MSBUILD scripts then start right now! The first thing you should do when you’re building out your new project source tree is to get it committed to your version control system and then make sure it will be built by your Continuous Integration server.

By integrating constantly you’ll know when the changes you are making are going to break what someone else is working on. I hear talking about changes they’ve held on to for weeks before attempting to commit them to version control out of fear of breaking the build. Face it, the days of Big Bang check-ins and waiting for the nightly build are light years behind us now.  To move fast, we have to identify the risks before it hits the deadline.


How many times have you been burned by this:

Larry - You know, file fizzbin.dll is missing from the build.

Joe – Did you add it to the installer?

Larry – We have an installer?

Alright, I played that up a bit, but you catch my drift. Installers can be quite complicated beasties. In my team, I adopted a stripped down open source installer (Inno Setup). Sure, it doesn’t have all of the bells and whistles of some of the big name installers, but its damn simple. I combined that with something that we use every day (NAnt) and now we’ve got a half-way decent installer pattern.

If you write code, you should understand how your bits (DLLs, XML files, web files) get to where they need to go. Here are some things you should ask yourself about any file that needs to go into the installer:

  1. Is this a DLL? Is it already part of one of the projects whose output will be installed to the ‘bin’ directory, or is this something new?
  2. Is this a Configuration File? Should the values be preserved between installations/upgrades? How should I take care of values that are Added/Removed/Updated? Which services will access this file? Will the correct permissions be assigned to the file/directory? Does this file need to survive an uninstall?
  3. Is this a web virtual? Is there anything special that needs to be done to the virtual in the IIS Configuration? Does it need to be locked down?
  4. Is this a Windows Service? Have you followed the same naming conventions for the name, the .exe, the log file? The three of these should be similar in name so its easier for support to identify which service is associated with which executable and log file.
  5. Logging? Did you make sure that you are logging to the Log directory?
  6. Are there files that you no longer want to be included?


OK, nobody does this anymore. We all have all the time we need to isolate the hard coded strings and have already moved them to configuration files or they reside inside of a resource file.

Now really, we all do this in our rush to quickly prototype the code we’ve got to get finished for the upcoming trade show or GA release of version 5.8. But really, you need to identify and move these values first to say a common access class and from there to a configuration file.

Check your configuration files

So all the code is done, you’ve made it through your xUnit tests and QA is saying that the risks are acceptable to deploy this app. And yet the application most likely has never been deployed to an environment similar to your (or your customer’s) production environment. So, now comes the hard part, we have to adjust all those configuration settings (URLs, passwords, connection strings, file paths, frequency values, etc). Sure that’s great. I know where all of those are. OK, but how many of those values are REPEATED in your configuration files? You know like, IP addresses to servers, account names, etc.

For those of us that enjoy using Resharper you become smoking ninja’s with your ability to keep your code DRY. But what about the ‘data’ in your configurations? How many connection strings do you reference? Do you have URL’s for services that contain the same server name over and over again?

If we apply the DRY principle to our configuration files as well as our code, then its far easier to create instructions on which values to change for production deployment, or better yet to automate or provide tools to safely adjust these values (and even better yet, make sure that the values that are in the configuration files will work when the service/application is running!)

Database connection string

Hey, you’ve tested this, you know it works. Works for me! Every time. Recently we had a “head scratching” moment with our newly arrived QA engineer. She’d built out a VM and installed our software on it to discover that one of our applications didn’t run at all after installation. My team looked at it and said, “Hmmm… that can’t be happening. It works everywhere else. Let’s rebuild your server and install again.” So, after rebuilding the server it worked fine and dandy.

Some weeks later, I stumbled upon a hard coded connection string in the previously mentioned application and had my “AH-HA” moment, “So this is why it failed!”. If you’ve been reading above then we should have reviewed this and identified that first, there was a hard coded string containing a connection string and second it was duplicated.

So, what’s the lesson here? Well, the deployment environment should be taken into account even when a developer is writing and testing his/her own code. In this particular case, we would have recognized that the connection string was pointed to localhost\sqlexpress and it needed to honor what has in our connections.config file.

mock me? NO MOCK YOU!

OK, funny! In today’s world we need to be able to provide “fake” interfaces or simulate external services. The only way to make sure that you’re really ready for the vagaries of what you’ll find out in the production wilderness is to mock the different services that you connect to. The benefits will allow you to have confidence that the application you’ve written will stand up when it encounters unexpected results.

This is really a follow on to TDD. Test driven development actually leads to building out mocked interfaces.

Naming Conventions

If you are writing an application for a company and there is more than one application you’ll want to follow similar patterns when naming and identifying your application. Things to keep in mind:

  • Keep track of the ports that you use if you use WCF services, proprietary listeners, etc. Support and the customer will want to know if your application needs to have inbound or outbound access on specific ports. Also, when it comes to TCP/IP ports, you really should check for a port range that is not used by other applications. Anymore, that is up in the 38,000+ range and anything below 10,000 should be reviewed carefully.
  • Name your virtuals so they are consistent, easy to type and make sense for their intended purpose.  Again you might have a common prefix for your application suite, or common suffixes for types of applications.
  • Windows services are a big pet peeve of mine. Make sure you’ve made sure that you have a consistent Service Name, Display Name and you’ve taken some time to write a decent 10-20 word description of what the service is.
  • Finally, make sure that your DLLs have the appropriate information in the ApplicationInfo files. The Company Name, Copyright, Product Name and version should all be there and be current. You can accomplish this by hand or by incorporating some steps into your build file.

Last Thoughts

This is entirely too long and I’ve most likely lost a lot of people by now. But the last step you should think through is about what you’ve done to your application during your own testing. Do you normally change values in the configuration files to debug settings? Have you deployed with the Log Level set to Debug? Have left the web.config with the debug turned on? Are you including your symbol files?

There’s a lot more of these types of questions that you should think about when you release your application into the wild. Some of this is about your ability to control your ADD (attention deficit disorder or bright shiny object chasing) and concentrate for an hour or two on the questions and topics I’ve brought up here.

Now Playing - Tom Scott - Reed My Lips - Saxappella

Thursday, March 12, 2009

xUnit tests and threads

OK, it goes against the idea of unit testing a little bit, but sometimes you can only get some code to fail by having another thread attempt to change a shared value. In my case, I hade a piece of code like this:

var thread = new Thread(() => Assert.NotNull(null));

This block of code starts a thread and checks that the value, null, is not null. The xUnit Assert will throw an exception once the thread is running. What happens to uncaught exceptions in threads? In the old 1.0 and 1.1 days the thread would terminate silently. It turns out that this is what this code will do if you attempt to run it in TestDriven.Net. In other words, the test will not fail!

To get this to work the Assert needs to be surrounded by a try/catch block.

var thread = new Thread(SafeAssertBlock);


public void SafeAssertBlock() {
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
// log the exception or pass it back to the owning thread...

What I eventually settled on was a form like this.

private Exception ThreadsException { get; set; }


ExceptionCatcher(() => Assert.Null(ContextScope<string>.GetInstance(ScopeKey)));


private void ExceptionCatcher(Action action)
ThreadsException = null;
catch (Exception ex)
ThreadsException = ex;

This passes the Assertion block into the ExceptionCatcher, which in turn sets a variable named ThreadsException back in the main thread. If ThreadsException is not null after we make the call then we can log that exception or re-throw it.

So, what happens to xUnit if you attempt to test code that throws an exception in a thread? It turns out that each test is run in its own AppDomain and when the exception is thrown there is an attempt to Serialize the exception. I'm not totally sure, but I believe that communication between AppDomains uses .NET Remoting. In any case, you get an ugly Marshalling exception down in the guts. This may have been helped if the xUnit guys had decided to have their Exception types be Serializable and have the appropriate serialization constructors. Perhaps in a later release?

Thread-specific data and the FreeNamedDataSlot function

First a bit of “context” setting before we proceed. If you’ve ever wanted to store data that is local to a single thread, you have three alternatives depending on your environment. If you’re only inside of a HTTP Web Request, you are in luck as you can set data into the HttpContext.Current.Items and its good for the duration of that web request.

If you happen to be writing any other type of application (Console, Windows Forms, Windows Service, etc…) then you have two alternatives. The easiest is to make a field with the ThreadStaticAttribute. You use this on a static field. With this attribute each thread has its own version of the field. That’s pretty easy!

If you want a little more control (or headaches) then you can use the Thread.GetNamedDataSlot and the Thread.GetData/Thread.SetData methods. What do all these do? Well, GetNamedDataSlot looks for a data slot on the current thread with the name that you pass to the method. If no slot is found it lazily instantiates one for you. The value returned is used as an argument to the GetData and the SetData methods, in other words your getter and setter for accessing thread local data.

BEWARE: There is another static method named FreeNamedDataSlot which you should use with extreme caution or not at all. This will free all of the data slots from each and every thread! The only time this makes sense to use is when you are absolutely sure that there are no threads running that are making use of the named slot you are about to free.

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Preview of Pioneer Connectivity Framework

Pioneer DebuggerThere have been rumors of what I was working on while in China. Since the first days of the Network I’ve imagined that we would have an agent that could be deployed to environments and be able to perform relatively simply operations.

The Pioneer Agent Connectivity Framework is the realization of this. To the right you see an example of the debugger running a script.

OK, but what is the Pioneer Connectivity Framework and what can we do with it? The Framework consists of the following components: a runtime with its own DSL (tokenizer, parser and interpreter that runs inside of the .NET 3.5), a Windows Service with installer to allow the runtime to be deployed on other computers, an interactive debugger to enable development, testing and diagnosing issues with the framework, connectivity to the CIQ Network, connectivity to any ADO.NET based database, a timer subsystem to allow for timed operations, and finally a file watching subsystem to watch folders for changed files. Phew! That was a mouthful.

OK, but why a new language on top of all the rest of this? Well, I’ve seen so many instances where we’ve deployed applications only to have to quickly act on an escalation to solve problems at customer sites. We’ve worked around a lot of deployment issues by isolating query files, but we’ve not extended this to the other aspects of our programming. With a small, light-weight language --  a domain specific language --  it will be possible to stitch together applications using a minimal amount of code.

Another possibility will be to deploy the agent without any of its application specific knowledge, this can be downloaded later by sending an event via the Network to obtain the latest code based on the environment and appropriate version.


  • if, then, else – conditional statement
  • event – a way to access the event properties inside of a subscribe, timer and watch event definition. An example of this is event(‘FullPath’) in a watch definition will return the path to the file that was changed/deleted/created.
  • true/false – boolean constants
  • func – a function definition. There are no signatures to the functions similar to JavaScript. A function and a procedure are defined by whether they return a value.
  • include – inclusion of other pioneer script files
  • invoke – a way to call into the .NET BCL
  • namespace – able to mark function and variable definitions in different namespaces
  • null – the null constant
  • return – the ability to return from a function and/or return a value from a function.
  • start/stop – mechanism to start and stop previously defined timers
  • subscribe – define a subscription to a received network event/network document
  • timer – define a new timer that expires at a definite time, a relative time or is recurring
  • using – a way to define a namespace that should be searched when calling functions or referencing variables
  • watch – define a folder watcher
  • while, do, break – a looping statement
  • end – the end of a block (if, while, func and namespace)
  • var – the definition of a variable

The language is loosely typed similar to JavaScript. It is not an object language so it is not possible to create new types, however, it is possible to obtain references to .NET types and pass those to invoke() calls.

The implicit types are integers,  strings and lists.


Currently there are several ‘libraries’ that can be included. By creating an include file containing one or more invoke() statements and dropping a DLL into the Library folder, brand new functionality can be added without having to recompile and redistribute the framework.

What’s with the name?

I choose the name pioneer after the NASA Pioneer Program. The most famous of the spacecraft launched with this name were the Outer Solar System Missions, Pioneer 10 and 11, launched in March ‘72 and April ‘73 respectively. Pioneer 10 was the first probe to transit to Jupiter and its sister craft visited Jupiter and Saturn.

That’s great! But what does this name have to do with our work? The intent of the Connectivity Framework is to work out in “remote” regions away from the home planet and return data back to other services. The Pioneer program had launches that spanned over 20 years and the last successful telemetry with Pioneer 10 was April 2002, or 30 years after it was launched!

My hopes are that we’ll be able to apply the Pioneer Agent Framework to many of the fast moving connectivity projects that are the “bread and butter” of what we do here.

Last Words

All of this rides on top of the CIQ Network Foundation Libraries that provide ease of access to the Connect IQ Network as well as provide a stable platform for hosting Windows Services.

As more or less of a bonus, the editor/debugger recognizes the syntax and provides coloring.